The Difference Between Traditional Art Expression And Expressive Art Therapy Activities

July 30, 2023

Difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities 1

What is the difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities? They sound pretty similar so they should be the same type of art creation, right? Not quite. Each of these activities have different reasons and methods to achieve their desired purpose. Let’s find out what the difference between traditional art expression and art therapy activities are so you can decide which of these artistic endeavors best suits your creative needs!

Abstract Painting Stress Management Art Therapy Activity


  1. The Difference Between Traditional Art Expression and Expressive Art Therapy Activities
  2. What is Traditional Art Expression
  3. What is Expressive Art Therapy
  4. The Intent
    • Of Traditional Art Expression
    • Of Art Therapy Activities
  5. Types of Traditional Art Expression vs. Art Therapy Activities
  6. Why is Artistic Expression Important?

The Big Difference Between Traditional Art Expression And Expressive Art Therapy Activities

What is Traditional Art Expression?

Traditional art expression is the use of physical art processes and artistic mediums (such as paint, watercolors, drawing, collage, or even performance art, etc.) to express one’s thoughts, emotions, viewpoint, or make an artistic statement resulting oftentimes in a final physical piece of art which may or may not be focused on a specific or unique art style.

What are Expressive Art Therapy Activities?

Expressive art therapy is the use of artistic mediums and the creative arts as a form of therapy to mentally heal and connect with one’s own feelings that can be used as therapeutic relief, in ways such as relieving uncomfortable thoughts, mindfulness, and other calming activities. These activities are meant for personal reflection, growth, and emotional progress. They are not focused on a specific art style.

These activities include various types of art therapy prompts, sometimes guided art exercises, and tutorials with a focus on sustainable and healthy mindsets that are to directly help the individual that’s doing them.

For a deeper look into art therapy activities or if you want to try some on your own check out these 10 Quick & Simple Art Therapy Activities for Beginners or you can try making an art journal with Easy Art Journal Therapy for Beginners.

If you’re looking to manage stress, here are some easy Art Therapy Activities for Stress Management.

The Intent of Your Art

The idea that art is an expression of the mind, is present in both of these creative activities but the intent of the art is a big difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities.

Traditional Art Expression

A main purpose of traditional art expression is to use art as self expression to help put an artist’s feelings, emotions, or thoughts into a physical manifestation either for the artist’s personal/ private objectives or to present it as a finished piece of artwork, for such events like gallery shows, art auctions, or art exhibits.

Artworks created as traditional art expression oftentimes have an intent of being presented to other people in a public setting where the artist isn’t the only audience of the work.

There are even times when you’re art doesn’t have or need to have a purpose. That’s 100% okay!

Do you have an idea, emotion, or thought that you’d like to express through art? This question can help you decide if traditional art expression is right for your project.

Expressive Art Therapy Activities

Coloring Simple Art Therapy for Adults

Expressive art therapy activities on the other hand are created mainly for the artist/creator themselves as ways to reflect and understand their emotions better.

There usually is no clear intent for art therapy artwork to be shown in public spaces as it’s mostly a very personal type of expression and self-improvement. But of course, you can always sell your art therapy work if you’d like, as long as you feel comfortable sharing it!

If you’d like some examples of expressive art therapy, check out these 10 easy Expressive Art Therapy Activities to Try Now!

Types of Traditional Art Expression & Art Therapy Activities

To help you better understand the difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities, here’s a brief list of examples for each.

Artistic Expression Examples

1. Abstract Art

A common form of traditional art expression is abstract art.

Abstract art doesn’t have to look like anything in particular. It can be a bunch of markings on a piece of paper like shown below. Through movement, colors, and materials, you can express yourself in many ways.

abstract traditional art expression drawing

For a more detailed understanding, check out this in-depth article on abstract art by Yuri Shwedoff.

2. Comment on Society or Culture

Another form of using art as self expression is though social or political commentary. You can illustrate your viewpoint on a topic through art.

The image below is my depiction of an NFT and how I viewed NFTs as being a valuable object of fine art or a collectible for some people, so much so that some people are willing to steal the art of artists’ to make that happen.

Protect Your Digital Art from NFT Theft and Plagiarism Right Now | A Digital Artist's Guide

Here is an explanation of art as social commentary by Rina Factor and 49 examples of art being used to comment on society by Bored Panda.

3. Self Portrait

Portraits or self portraits are a very common form of traditional art expression.

They can express how an artist views themselves or other people while giving a little bit of insight into the artist’s personality, based on the techniques and styles used.

Below is a standard self-portrait I created years back to use as a profile picture, using digital art.

Drawism About Page Nicole Adamson

A self portrait can be anything, not just your face. It can be an abstract drawing or even a set of objects that best represent who you are.

Here are some examples of the many different self-portrait types from famous artists.

4. Personal Art Style

Making art in a style that you like is self expression because you are depicting something that resonates with you, in an art style or form that you feel best represents who you are and your artistic skills.

Having a personal art style is another (slight) difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities because art expression is focused more on the individual’s interpretation of an idea and is subjective whereas art therapy activities are more straightforward and objective.

Below is an example of a watercolor drawing depicting a cute sushi roll with some other foods I enjoy. I painted this piece because I love Japanese food and cute things. But I chose watercolors because I love that washy yet illustrative look.

Cute Anxiety Art Therapy Activities Drawing

5. Art Self-Expression Drawing

An art self-expression drawing is a great way to draw your thoughts and feelings about anything. It can be about how you’re feeling in the moment, how you feel about a certain topic, or even a concept or idea that resonates with you.

Here are some examples of self-expression art drawing with artist interviews for a little art inspiration.

Art Therapy Activities

1. Mindfulness Drawing

A common art therapy activity is mindfulness drawing. What this does, is help the individual by bringing their mind into the present, away from racing or negative thoughts.

This technique is very effective in teaching someone mindfulness because it helps them focus on the present, the here and now, instead of past or future thoughts.

Mindfulness drawing can be anything from quick and easy drawing exercises, such as drawing circles or lines, to sketching simple shapes or patterns.

2. Doodling

Doodling is a form of art self-expression drawing that is also a fun art therapy activity. The focus of doodling is to make small and quick drawings. What’s great about these doodles is that you can draw them in your notebook, planner, or art journal to add a bit of joy to your pages.

Try doodling things you enjoy. This will help boost your mood by connecting your art with positive and happy emotions.

For more fun quick doodles, check out these 15 Relaxing Doodles to Draw When You’re Bored! Or if you’d like a more in-depth article that focuses on drawing beautifully intricate yet simple patterns as an easy art therapy activity, check out my post on 7 Refreshing Zen Doodle Design Ideas that you can use now!

3. Art Therapy Prompts

There are many different types of art therapy prompts to get you started, with specific ones targeting certain emotions or feelings, like anxiety or racing thoughts. These can really help in connecting with your emotions and understanding them better.

Art Therapy Prompts Drawing Activity Doodle

Try these 10 Art Therapy Prompts for Racing Thoughts if you want to try some art therapy activities.

4. Coloring

If you feel like it, just color!

You don’t need to draw anything in particular. Coloring by itself is great for relieving stress and as a simple and relaxing art therapy activity. It keeps you in the present and focused, while not putting any pressure on yourself to make a perfect drawing. Easy peasy!

You can even grab yourself a coloring book and fill in the art if drawing or painting seems like too much effort. I colored in a bit of this page in the Pusheen Coloring book.

Why is Artistic Expression Important?

Art is an expression of the mind, something that’s not a difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities.

Artistic expression is important because it serves as an outlet for us to visually communicate our thoughts and emotions in a productive and clear way that can’t be expressed solely through non-visual information, such as sounds, words, or conversation. Artistic expression in the form of a painting, self-expression drawing, or even sculpture can evoke specific feelings that may not be possible with other stimuli.

More Expressive Art Therapy & Traditional Art Expression Activities:

Art Therapy Activities

Traditional Art Expression & Drawing Ideas

Now that you know what the main difference between traditional art expression and expressive art therapy activities is, you can decide which one to use depending on your creative needs or just use art as self expression!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and see you in the next post.

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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