Make Lovely Stylized Fantasy Mushroom Drawings Step by Step

September 26, 2023

Fantasy Mushroom Drawings Step by Step

Mushrooms are a great subject to draw because they are simple, versatile to draw in different shapes, super cute, and can be used to evoke a sense of fantasy and relaxation, like nature usually does 🙂

In this post, you’ll learn how to make creative and satisfyingly simple fantasy mushroom drawings step by step in 3 different ways – silhouette, outline, and cartoon style / stylized – so you get something like this :

And don’t worry, you don’t need to draw these all at once!


  1. How to Make a Fantasy Mushroom Drawing Step by Step

How to Make a Fantasy Mushroom Drawing Step by Step for Beginners

Quick Mushroom Drawing Tips

Before we get started, here are some quick tips to keep in mind while making your drawings, to make the process easier for you.

  • Try to make big drawing strokes using your entire arm, not just your wrist, as your lines will look cleaner and not sketchy or rough.
  • It took me 5-10 tries to make the mushroom caps on each drawing look ‘perfect’ and clean: take as many tries as you need to make it look right, it doesn’t need to look perfect on the first try.
  • When coloring your drawing, use whatever colors you’d like to make it look more fantasy styled.
  • Curved Lines = More Cartoony and Exaggerated Drawing
  • Hard and Straight Lines = More Realistic Drawing
  • Use real-life photos of mushrooms for reference to draw different shapes and styles of mushrooms.
  • Add elements like sparkles, insects, small animals, or magical wisps to make it feel more fantasy.

Okay, are you ready to make some amazing drawings and show off your awesome art skills?

Then let’s go!

How to Draw a Fantasy Mushroom Outline in 5 Easy Steps

Let’s start with something super easy, drawing a mushroom outline – no details, no color, and that’s it!

First, let’s start with a few simple sketch lines but be sure to make them light so you can remove when you’re finished.

All you need to do is just draw a curved ‘T’. The upper line is for the mushroom cap and the vertical line is for the stem.

Second, draw the mushroom cap from one end of the horizontal line to the other.

Think of this as drawing a parabola or a big upside down ‘U’. It took me around 5 tries to get this right so don’t worry if you don’t draw it ‘perfect’ the first time.

You can also draw the mushroom cap as tall or as short as you’d like, allowing you to get different shapes.

Now that we got the hard part out of the way, let’s draw the cap ends.

Like below, just draw slightly curved lines from both ends of the mushroom’s cap, leaving a bit of space in the middle. This is where you’ll draw the stem.

When drawing the mushroom’s stem, draw both sides starting from each end of the cap, making sure to follow the shape of the sketch line in the middle.

Like below, I made the stem more curved like the center line, to give it a bit more motion and style. But you can make it straight if it’s easier for you.

All that’s left is to draw the end of the stem!

Draw a curved line from one end of the stem to the other.

Remember when I said to erase those sketch lines? Now’s the time to do that!

Remove the sketch lines to complete your fantasy mushroom outline!

It should look something like this:

You’ve just created a lovely mushroom outline drawing! Give yourself a pat on the back. You can use this as a cute doodle to add to your notebook, sketchbook, or art journal.

Feel free to color it in, add a pattern, or just draw something fun inside it. The choice is up to you!

How to Draw a Fantasy Mushroom Silhouette

Now that you have your mushroom outline drawn, you can easily make it into a silhouette if you’d like, by just filling it in with a solid color. I used black since that’s my go-to when making silhouette drawings. It really helps capture the shape and contrasts it against a white background.

For the full mushroom silhouette drawing tutorial, keep reading. Or you can skip over to the stylized cartoon fantasy mushroom tutorial here.

Like drawing the mushroom outline, start off with a simple slightly curved line for the stem. It doesn’t need to be light or dark, since it’ll be covered up.

Second, draw an upside down ‘U’ for the mushroom’s cap.

Now, add the tip of the stem at the bottom, giving it some width.

We’ll draw the rest of the stem next.

I started from the mushroom cap and drew the stem down to the bottom but you can do it in reverse and start from the bottom up, instead.

To finish off the mushroom shape, draw the edge of the caps to the stem. It’s okay if the lines don’t match up – we’ll fix it in the next step.

On to the fun and easy part – filling in your silhouette!

Choose whatever color you’d like. It can be your favorite color, something that makes you happy, or something completely random, it’s up to you.

With your chosen color, completely fill in the mushroom drawing, trying to leave no empty spaces. And you’re done!

Your mushroom silhouette should look something like this:

For more drawing inspiration, here are some of the many mushroom shapes you can make with just silhouettes. The possibilities are endless!

Feel free to use the image below as a guide when creating unique mushrooms or want to add something with a more fantastical, magical feel.

Congrats, you’ve created a lovely mushroom silhouette drawing! You can use this as a cute doodle to add to your notebook, sketchbook, or art journal.

How to Draw a Stylized Fantasy Mushroom (Cartoon Style)

For this fantasy mushroom drawing tutorial, let’s have a bit more fun here and add some nice details!

Drawing a cartoon mushroom will take longer than the previous tutorials but you’ll end up with such a lovely and stylized mushroom that you’ll be proud of!

First, draw a curvy line, like a horizontal ‘S’-curve. This will be the mushroom cap.

Approximate the center of the cap and draw an incomplete oval right underneath your curved line to form the mushroom ring.

Let’s start drawing the stem.

From the middle of the ring sketch lightly a short curved line to mark the middle of the stem. The more curved, the more exaggerated and cartoony your mushroom will look.

To draw the rest of the stem, start from the ring’s open ends and draw 2 vertical lines following the stem’s center line. Make the right side slightly longer.

Then, connect both ends of the stem using a curved line for the bottom.

Next, at the top of the stem draw a curved line to complete the mushroom’s inner ring.

And to complete the fanned out bottom of the mushroom cap, draw another curved line from one end of the ‘S’-curved line to the other. It’s okay if your curved line on the right doesn’t 100%match up with the ‘S’-curve.

Now let’s finish drawing the mushroom cap by drawing a wide upside down ‘U’ or parabola from one end of the cap’s edge to the other.

Our main mushroom shape is complete. It should look like a cute and chubby little mushroom. Now on to the fancy stuff, details!

Let’s sketch in the frills for the ring by making curved lines from the ring’s edge, to the center. You can make them closer if you’d like.

Now for the mushroom cap’s gills / pores – start from the edges and draw curved lines toward the center.

I spaced the gills out to make it look more stylized and simple but real mushrooms actually have many gills!

To add more detail to the stem since it’s looking quite bare, draw in a few horizontal lines that follow the shape of the stem.

These lines imply little rivets and texture without you having to draw a ton of detail. Plus, it looks neater and is quicker!

Now for everyone’s favorite part, mushroom spots!

In the mushroom’s cap, draw large ovals.

You don’t need to make many otherwise it will ending up looking too busy and inconsistent. Try to aim for 4-6 spots.

To finish off your mushroom drawing and make it look even more awesome and stylized, draw in some grass.

I drew the grass over the stem then erased the stem out.

You don’t need to get as detailed as shown below. But draw enough grass to cover the mushroom’s base so it looks like it’s sticking out of the ground.

And there you have it, a gorgeous stylized fantasy mushroom drawing that you can add to your sketchbook or notebook right now!

Try adding some color to it, frame it, or anything else that shows off your creative side!

And to make it even more fantastical, you can add sparkles, fairies, insects, small animals, turn your drawing into a mushroom house, and so much more!

Do you like mushrooms & enjoy coloring? Customize this cartoon mushroom drawing your way with my Printable Cartoon Mushroom Coloring Pages from the Official Drawism Store!

For more awesome fantasy mushroom inspiration and drawing ideas, check out the ‘cottage core’ aesthetic on Pinterest, which represents an idealized rural life that embraces nature. And more specifically, cottage core art which features even more cute mushrooms in many styles!

Looking for more simple mushroom art drawing ideas & activities right at your fingertips? You can get my Printable Cartoon Mushroom Coloring Pages or this helpful & inspirational set of 4 Printable Mushroom Creativity Motivational Posters exclusively from the official Drawism Store!

More Simple & Creative Drawing Tutorials for All Skill Levels

Now it’s your turn! Which step by step fantasy mushroom drawing tutorial is your favorite or which are you excited to try first? Let me know in the comments below!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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