Free Download: Drawable Stress Relief Cheat Sheet

June 1, 2021

Free Printable Stress Relief Planner for Anxiety and Artists

Grab this free 2 PG printable PDF Drawable Stress Relief Cheat Sheet below to soothe your stress & anxiety plus 9 Essential Stress Relief Tips, 12 Stress Relief Activity Ideas + more!

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One thing that won’t disappear is stress. That’s why I’ve created a free printable day planner for stress relief that will help manage your stress while improving your drawing, or at least allow you to be creative in a productive way that can also help you mentally.

If we don’t take the time to control our stress, acknowledge, or address it, it might get so out of hand where it could consume us and remain constant in our lives. Let’s take a look!

Free Printable Day Planner for Stress Relief

My free & undated Daily Stress Relief Cheat Sheet is to help manage your stress and be aware of it. At the same time, I want you to express yourself creatively & productively. When you’re creative, you’re more likely to let go of what’s bothering you in the moment and focus on the present.

Creativity and drawing help inspire positivity because it first takes you to a place of mental neutrality. When this happens, you’re in a state of neither good or bad. Just calm, neutral, and present in the moment. From there, you’re more likely to reach a positive mood because  you’re no longer feeling as bad as you were.

This planner is structured to make you feel (hopefully) more positive/calm than when you first started using it.

How the Stress Relief Cheat Sheet / Planner Works

Below, I’ve created a helpful guide that will show you how to use my stress relief planner.

The planner is meant to be used from top to bottom, starting with the circle on the right.

First, there is an emotional tracker. Draw whatever emotion you’re feeling at that moment, in the circle and describe why you’re feeling a particular way. Doing this exercise helps you be in tune with your emotions & realize potential triggers (good or bad) that can help you react to certain things in a productive way. Realizing how you’re feeling helps you be aware of & may even help you control certain emotions and reactions.

How to Use Drawism's Free Daily Stress Relief Planner

Second, I created a section for controlled breathing. Taking just a few minutes a day for some slow breathing helps calm you down and collect your thoughts. It’s a great yet easy & quick way to help get you focused & to instantly relieve stress. Deep, slow breathing gets more oxygen into your body & to your brain which relaxes it. I’ve placed a quick controlled breathing guide of 4-7-8. Inhaling your breath for 4 seconds extends your  air intake, getting more oxygen into your body. Holding your breath for 7 seconds focuses your mind on your breath & body which helps bring you into the present. This helps you let go of other thoughts. And exhaling for 8 seconds releases the stress inside, gently massaging your brain & relaxing your diaphragm.

Third, I created a section that will help get you into a more positive mindset by listing & drawing 3 activities you like. I like this exercise because  the activities are tailored to you, helping you figure out what works for you. It’s important when improving your mental health that you do something that fits & works for you, as you’re more likely to keep up with something that’s familiar, makes you feel good, & is easy to complete. When you draw something you like, that opens up the door for Positive inspiration. Drawing is also soothing and fun🥳, making this planner (hopefully) more enjoyable. I also stuck in a little activity tracker at the bottom right to help you decide if your activitiy made you feel better or not. If it did, then try incorporating it into your daily or weekly schedule as a stress reliever.

Important Details

  • Fun & Simple exercises that help calm you down while allowing you to be creative
  • Uses a Combination of Stress Relief Techniques with Drawing Exercises
  • Relieve your stress while being Artistic
  • Printable 8.5×11″ PDF
  • Undated Planner for Daily Use
  • Simple Layout
  • Includes Breathing Exercise
  • Use Daily or Whenever you Feel Like it
  • Best of all, it’s COMPLETELY FREE!

To get my Daily Stress Relief Planner sent to your inbox, keep reading.

Get Your Free Printable Stress Relief Planner Below!

Other Resources and Guides for Reducing Anxiety & Stress:

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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