How to Draw Succulent Doodles Easy for Beginners

April 22, 2024

How to Draw Succulent Doodles Easy

Aren’t succulents so calming and pretty to look at? They’re great to draw whether you’re looking for something to sketch, need a few drawing ideas, looking for some art therapy, or just want to practice drawing.

But they can be difficult to doodle due to all their petals, making them more detailed and complicated to draw. Plus, their leaves come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. In this article, I’ll show you 5 simple doodle drawing tutorials of How to Draw Succulent Doodles Easy for beginners step by step, anyone can do!

How to Draw Succulent Doodles Easy

Let’s get into it!

How to Draw Succulent Doodles Easy for Beginners

Materials: A black pen – preferably a 0.5 fine liner pen/marker or a (medium) ballpoint pen and something to draw on.

For these succulent doodles, I used a 0.5 black fine liner pen on a regular sheet of copy/printer paper (8.5 x11 inches).

1. Cactus

Time : 3-5 Min

Let’s start off with how to draw a cactus doodle easy!

Easy Cactus Doodle Drawing Tutorial

How to Draw a Cactus Doodle

  1. Start by drawing the head of the cactus as a stretched-out, upside-down ‘U’.
  2. Doodle the smaller cactus heads/ branches on either side of the center.
  3. Add the cactus’ shaft with 2 straight lines under the branches.
  4. Doodle in the cactus’ ribs using straight lines but also follow the shape of each branch, so your drawing looks believable and dimensional.
  5. Last, sketch in the spines using small marks and sprinkle them throughout your cactus doodle, both inside and outside the sketch.
    • You can even draw a curved line with some specks for the sand / ground.

Here’s what the finished doodle should look like!

How to Draw Cactus Doodle Easy

You can even try doodling different shapes of cacti with more head/branches like in the left drawing or draw it in a pot for a bit more charm!

2. Jade Plant

Time : 5 Min.

The jade plant is a popular succulent most often seen in deserts and arid climates.

Each blossom usually has 4 rounded petals. The blossoms are stacked on top of each other, growing in the direction of the stem.

I usually see a lot of these used for landscaping and decorations in outdoor malls.

How to Draw a Succulent Doodle Easy
  1. Sketch 4 short lines not touching each other. These are our guidelines for drawing the jade plant’s petals.
  2. Doodle a circular petal around the top line.
  3. Repeat step 2 for the remaining petals.
  4. If the petals are not connected, draw in angles to connect them.
  5. To add more dimension and detail to your jade plant doodle, draw more rounded petals underneath your first drawing, keeping each bloom at 4 petals.
    • You can draw 2-3 blooms under the first one you sketched.
  6. Lastly, draw in the stem underneath the petals.
    • Make it thick and round off the stem’s end, making it look curved. You can even doodle in some curved stem lines for more detail.

3. Echeveria Elegans / Mexican Snowball

Time : 5 Min.

The echeveria elegans or the ‘Mexican Snowball’ is another popular succulent you may have seen.

It has many petals and really does look like a flower.

But what makes this plant so unique, are the little spikes protruding from the tip of each petal. Keep this in mind when doodling.

Mexican Snowball Succulent Doodle Drawing Tutorial
  1. Draw a circle for the plant’s center.
  2. Sketch an upside-down ‘V’ inside the circle for the bud.
  3. Lightly sketch 3 lines around the bud.
  4. Draw a rounded petal with a pointed tip, around the top line.
  5. Draw petals around the other 2 lines to create a small bloom.
  6. (*Step 6 in the image above, is actually step 7/8 in this list) Doodle in a second bloom around the first one you drew in step 5.
    • This time, make 4 petals and draw them in the blank areas with no petals.
  7. (*Step #6 in the pic above) For the final bloom, start by drawing a rounded, pointed petal at the top of the succulent. And make it bigger than the other petals.
  8. Doodle in the other 7 petals around the rest of the plant for a total of 8 petals.
    • You can try sketching in short lines around the plant first, to help guide you where to draw in the remaining petals.

And there you have it, you’ve learned how to draw an easy succulent doodle of the echevera elegans (‘Mexican Snowball’) plant!

If you’d like to take a little break from drawing succulent doodles, check out this post on How to Draw Easy Pen Flower Doodles for Beginners or 10 Beautiful Yet Simple Types of Flower Doodles to Draw!

4. Haworth’s aeonium or pinwheel

Time : 5 Min.

Let’s continue drawing more easy plant doodles with Haworth’s aeonium or the ‘pinwheel’ succulent!

This is another popular desert plant I see a lot when I go to zoos or botanical gardens. You may have seen this one, too.

The pinwheel looks similar to the ‘Mexican Snowball’.

But the big difference is that its petals are much more rounded. Plus, there’re a lot more of them than the ‘snowball’ and they have smaller spines / spikes.

Easy Pinwheel Succulent Doodle Drawing Tutorial
  1. Doodle a small square.
  2. Draw a larger diamond around the square.
  3. Draw 1 more larger square rotating the orientation back to a normal square.
  4. Finish off the succulent’s center by drawing a larger rounded diamond.
  5. For the petals, draw 8 circles around the diamond center.
    • You can sketch short lines to help guide where you’ll draw the petals.
  6. Last, doodle in little spikes / spines at the tips of each petal. This’ll really make your succulent doodle look like a pinwheel.

And there you have it, you’ve doodled an easy succulent drawing and it looks awesome!

5. Easy Aloe Vera Plant Doodles

Time : 3 – 5 Min.

On to the last tutorial of drawing easy plant doodles in this article!

You most likely have heard of the aloe vera plant.

It’s a succulent that has hard and straight angled leaves but inside there’s a fleshy pulp that can be eaten or used for herbal remedies like a skin moisturizer, makeup, chapstick, and even as tea. It’s definitely something that’s touted a lot in the health community.

Unlike the other succulent doodle tutorials in this article, the aloe vera plant has a lot of straight lines and sharp angles.

Aloe Vera Plant Doodle Drawing Tutorial
  1. Start by drawing 2 lines in an angle but don’t have them touch.
    • Make one line shorter (half the length) than the other
  2. Draw a small triangle around the shorter line – this leaf is facing towards us, giving the doodle more dimension.
    • Draw the large leaf by drawing a straight line from the tip of the right line and touch the left leaf with it.
  3. Let’s doodle the aloe vera’s base by sketching a wide, flat triangle underneath. Taper the leaves on either side.
    • For a center leaf, draw another thin triangle in the center of the plant.
  4. To finish off our aloe vera succulent doodle, draw 3 more sharp leaves extending from the center, making at least 2 of them larger.
    • Complete this doodle by adding little spines to the leaves.
      • You don’t need to draw spines on every leaf, just a few to make it look like a succulent. Otherwise, it’ll look too busy.

Now your doodle really looks like an aloe vera plant!

You can even personalize your drawing by sketching a pot underneath your doodle like in the image below!

Easy Aloe Vera Plant Doodle Pen

If you’re looking for fun & random doodles to draw, check out these 15 Quick & Relaxing Random Doodles to Draw When You’re Bored!

What Are Succulent Doodles?

Succulent doodles are quick and simplified drawings of succulent plants such as cactus and aloe vera that have thick and hard leaves but are found in arid and dry climates.

These cute doodles are normally created using pens or ink but you can use whatever drawing tool you’d like!

I like using pen because it makes the doodles more permanent and is quicker to draw.

A main point when learning how to draw an easy succulent doodle is to keep it quick and simple. So, keep those plant doodles easy!

A good starting point is anything less than 10-15 minutes.

How to Draw Cactus Doodle Easy

Benefits of Drawing Succulent Doodles

I know these are just little drawings so the benefits of drawing succulent doodles may not be obvious at first. But they do exist!

Here are some of their benefits:

  • It’s calming and relaxing
    • It’s really fun drawing pretty things and will most likely put you in a better mood!
  • Teaches you repetition by drawing the same shapes / leaves in different orientations
  • Allows you to make detailed doodles while still being simple to draw
  • It’s a productive & fun way to pass boredom or find something easy to do
  • Forces you to think & draw, in simplified shapes, instead of focusing on all the complicated details
  • Plant doodles are super easy to complete, meaning you can make more of them quickly without stressing about them looking ‘perfect’

Here are some more effortless plant & nature drawing tutorials for beginners you can try now : How to Start Drawing a Simple Tree Branch Freehand , 3 Top Palm Tree Drawing Styles With No Experience, & How to Make Lovely Fantasy Mushroom Drawings Step by Step !

More Related Doodle & Drawing Tutorials :

I hope you found learning how to draw succulent doodles is easy, like really easy! Which of these easy plant doodles is your favorite?

Let me know in the your thoughts in the comments below and see you in the next post!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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