How to Draw Yoshi Egg Fast in 3 Minutes

February 16, 2023

How to Draw Yoshi Eggs from Super Mario Bros

With everyone’s favorite pipe-teleporting and mushroom-eating Italian plumber, Super Mario has been popping more into mainstream media along with his devastatingly adorable dino sidekick – Yoshi. This “too-cute” huggable dino hatches from a Yoshi egg found in the game. In this easy drawing tutorial for kids and adults, you’ll learn how to draw Yoshi egg and how to draw an egg shape in 3 minutes, making an awesome yet cute (Yoshi Mario) egg drawing like the pic below!

Grab your drawing supplies and let’s get started!

How to Draw Yoshi Eggs for Beginners


  1. How to Draw an Egg Shape
  2. How to Draw Yoshi Egg in 5 Minutes
  3. What Are Yoshi Eggs?
  4. Yoshi Egg Colors

How to Draw an Egg Shape Easy

Before we get started on how to draw Yoshi egg, you first need to know how to draw an egg shape. All it takes are a few light pencil markings paired with some curved lines. Once you understand these basic steps, you’ll be drawing (Yoshi) eggs by the dozen in no time!

Sounds easy, right?

Just follow the steps below with this easy drawing tutorial for kids and adults. You can even scroll through to the numbered images if you really want to learn how to draw an egg shape fast!

1. Sketch the Egg’s Line of Action or Tilt

Draw a light line on your paper or drawing surface using either a light color or pencil. This is called the ‘line of action’, the main axis on which we will be drawing our egg.

If using pencil, you can erase your sketch line when you’re finished with your drawing.

I used a light gray marker below.

If using markers or any other colored material that can’t be erased, make sure the color you’re using to draw the ‘line-of-action’ is lighter than the color you’ll use to draw the egg outline, so it won’t be distracting in the final picture.


You can even draw the line slightly leaning either to the left or the right side to give your egg outline a bit more volume and dimension, similar to a real egg when it’s tilted.

2. Sketch Out the Egg’s Width

Next, lightly draw a dot on the lower 1/3 of your line, or somewhere around that area.

You can see in the pic below where I placed my center dot – right on the line towards the lower half.

Then, around the same height as where you placed your center dot, draw another dot on the left side, spaced a bit from the center line, and then one more dot equal distance on the right side.

How to Draw an Egg Shape Easy

These outer dots will be the points where the bottom circular part of the egg will change into a thinner upside-down “u” curve. Basically, where the shape of the egg will lightly converge at the top, giving your drawing that classic egg shape – an essential part of learning how to draw Yoshi egg.

3. Draw the Bottom of the Egg

For this next step, all you need to do is connect the outer dots that you drew in step 2, using a curved or half-circle line.

The finished result should end up looking like the drawing below with a sort of anchor shape.

You can use the bottom of the line you drew in step 1 as a guide to draw how deep your curve will be.

How to Draw a Yoshi Egg Easy Drawing for Kids

Try your best to draw your half circle as close to the bottom line’s edge as you can. It’s okay if you can’t since this type of hand movement involves more precise line control and can get a bit tricky. I sometimes have trouble doing this type of sketching.

But if you keep practicing, you’ll know how to drawn an egg shape easily!

4. Connect the tips of the lines for a Full Egg Shape

This next step is pretty darn simple, almost as simple as just drawing a line – drawing a curved line.

All you need to do is just connect the edges of the lines together but curve them to make a rounded shape – an absolute must when learning how to draw Yoshi egg.

Drawing Yoshi Eggs & How-to-Draw-Yoshi-Egg

You can do this in a couple of ways:

1. Draw 1 Continuous Curved Line from One Side of the Egg to the Other

This method is quicker but may be a bit more difficult for kids and beginners, as it involves 1 continuous line without lifting up your pencil.

I mean, you can definitely lift up your drawing tool if you need to but drawing in 1 continuous line will make your egg outline look much cleaner and professional.

When drawing this upside-down ‘U’, you can try to get as close to the top edge of the center line as it’s a guide for how tall your egg will be.

2. Draw 2 Curved Lines from Each Unfinished Side of the Egg

Okay, this may sound a bit trickier than the 1st option but is actually quite simple!

Remember the anchor shape you drew in step 3?

Well instead of drawing 1 continuous curved line from side-to-side, you’ll be drawing 2 slightly curved lines.

Just draw a slight curve from the left side of the anchor tip to the top of the center sketch line.

And repeat for the right side!

A quick tip is to draw the bottom portion of the egg as a half circle. For the top part of the egg, draw the outline as a parabola or a stretched, upside-down “u” shape.

You now know how to draw an egg shape!

*Keep in mind that you’re sketch doesn’t have to be perfect especially when you’re drawing the curved lines. You’re doing great, as long as it looks like an egg.

How to Draw Yoshi Egg Easy

Now that you know how to draw an egg shape, it’s time to make your drawing look like a Yoshi egg!

Drawing Yoshi eggs is super easy!

Can you guess how to draw Yoshi egg from an egg outline?

If you guessed ‘drawing spots’, you’re correct!

5. Draw Circular Spots on the Egg

Once you have your egg outline ready to go, all you need to draw are the colored Yoshi spots!

And no, you don’t need to be a master at drawing circles or ovals perfectly, especially when learning how to draw Yoshi egg.

Pick 2 or 3 areas where you want to draw the spots.

Normally when drawing Yoshi eggs, the spots are usually medium-sized in comparison to the egg, meaning there’s not a lot of them and they ‘re spaced out a bit from each other, not right next to one another.

You can use my drawing below as reference.

Easy Yoshi Mario Drawing, How to Draw Yoshi Egg

I drew the spots in green because that’s Yoshi’s main color.

There are different colors of Yoshis, from red to purple. The color of the egg spots reflect not only the color of the Yoshi once it’s hatched but also it’s favorite fruit. So in this case, a green Yoshi’s favorite is melon, yum!

So, if you’re thinking of changing the color of the spots, then you’re Yoshi would technically be the color of the egg along with it’s favorite fruit – choose wisely.

6. Bonus : Color in Your Drawing

If you really want to go above and beyond when learning how to draw a Yoshi egg, you can choose to color in your drawing if you’d like.

For starters, I’d definitely recommend coloring the egg spots because it’s a defining feature when drawing Yoshi eggs or a Yoshi Mario drawing.

If you want a more illustrative or semi-realistic look, you can do a little bit of shading at the bottom of the egg.

How to Draw Yoshi Eggs for Beginners

You can even add a shadow for a more 3D look under the bottom of the egg by drawing a flat circle or oval right underneath it.

What are Yoshi Eggs?

Yoshi eggs are little spotted eggs found in the Super Mario & Yoshi video game series and come in different colors. Each egg usually contains a cute Yoshi dinosaur that matches the color of the egg.

So if you see a blue Yoshi Egg, there’ll be a blue Yoshi dino inside.

What Yoshi Egg Colors to Use When Drawing Yoshi Eggs?

With a range of 11 colors to choose from, sticking true to the franchise, Yoshi eggs come in different colors including Green, Yellow, Orange, Light Blue, Blue, Pink, Red, Purple, Brown Black, & White.

Whichever color you choose for your sketch, your Yoshi Mario drawing will look amazing and super cute.

Normally, each color of Yoshi represents a different fruit.

Here’s a quick guideline below of some general Yoshi colors with their corresponding fruit so you can get to drawing yoshi eggs of different colors.

Quick Guide for Different Colors of Yoshi Eggs
  1. Green – Melon and Watermelon
  2. Yellow- Banana
  3. Red and Pink – Apple
  4. Blue and Light Blue – Grape
  5. Orange – Orange

Check Out More Exciting Drawing Tutorials & Video Game Art Posts

For even more imaginative pop culture inspiration, art, and freebies, check out these other amazing and easy drawing tutorials and game related articles below!

Learning how to draw Yoshi eggs or just egg shapes in general can be difficult to get right. But with enough practice, you’ll become egg-cellent at it! Did you enjoy this drawing tutorial? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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