Little Nightmares Six Fanart: Draw an Awesome Stylized ‘Six’

September 27, 2021

How to Draw Six Little Nightmares Fanart

Little Nightmares Six Fanart is the perfect thing to draw whether you’re looking for some cute & spooky flair or just want to draw something simple and fun. This tutorial teaches you how to draw a stylized Six, the main character from Little Nightmares, using some basic shapes and details.

If you don’t know what “Little Nightmares is” or who the adorable ‘Six’ is, I’ve made an quick summary with some basic facts about it, to fill you in. Just keep reading to learn about the world of “Little Nightmares”.

But (if your hands are itching to draw) if you just want to get to the good stuff and start drawing, skip to the section How to Draw Stylized Little Nightmares Six Fanart.

Let’s get started!

Grab my free How to Draw Little Nightmares Six art drawing guide with all steps in this post packed into 1 printable sheet plus a Six phone wallpaper added as an extra bonus, below!

Little Nightmares Six Fanart Free Download

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Table of Contents

  1. What is “Little Nightmares”?
  2. Who is ‘Six’?
  3. Why Draw ‘Six’?
  4. How to Draw Stylized “Little Nightmares” Six Fanart

What’s “Little Nightmares”?

“Little Nightmares” is a cute but creepy fantasy horror side-scolling video game created by Tarsier Studios, published by Bandai Namco (the current IP owner), and released on April 28, 2017 for Windows, Playstation 4, & Xbox One. It was then released for Nintendo Switch about a year later.

Little Nightmares’ art style mixes the worlds of fantasy and horror in a 2.5d format where everything is larger than life for the game’s main character, Six.

Here’re some screenshots so you can get a better idea of the game.

In order to progress in the game, players must solve puzzles in the form of obstructing objects, narrowly escape capture by giant monsters, and traverse an eerie floating vessel located in the sea, called ‘the Maw’.

From the cinematic yet ominous lighting to the adorable but slightly nightmarish character designs, the storytelling and artwork is top-notch (in my opinion) and an extremely immersive experience. The environments feel like more of a creepy dollhouse style, so not extremely graphic but oddly cute.

I’ll be honest, I really don’t like scary movies or video games but due to the lack of gore, blood, and over-the-top horror elements, this games feels more creepy and spooky than anything else, making it extremely accessible to people who share my lack of extreme horror.

Who is ‘Six’?

Six is the main character in both Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares 2.

She is a lost girl at the age of 9 who has suddenly woken up in a spooky dungeon filled with child-sized cages on a floating water vessel named the Maw. Six is dressed only in a yellow raincoat with a unique triangle-shaped hood and her black hair obstructing her eyes.

Six tries to unravel the mysteries of the Maw and survive the many horrors that she encounters on her journey to escape it.

Why ‘Six’?

When I first saw Little Nightmares, I was creeped out. Honestly, I was in fight-or-flight mode pretty much the entire time I played the game because when I know things are going to get spooky, every little thing creeps me out, even if it’s someone just closing the door to the cupboard, haha.

I decided to create this fun Little Nightmares Six fanart drawing tutorial because I love the game and its incredibly unique Little Nightmares art style. The way the artists merged horror with fantastical and cute elements really this a rare find. The look and feel of the game doesn’t scare or frighten me in any way but rather has a very mysterious appearance as a lot of things in the levels are hidden or waiting to be discovered and interacted with. If anything, this game and Six really peak my curiosity.

Creating tutorials and art of things that I find creepy really helps me overcome my fears of those subjects. It essentially puts me in the driver seat of my emotions and turns something I initially found negative, into a delightful and fun positive. I definitely feel better and more inclined to experience new things and am more prepared for things that I don’t like, whether that’s in art or reality.

If there’s something that makes you feel negative, try making a piece of art out of it while putting a positive spin on it however you’d like and see how you feel afterwards. It’s a great way to push through and overcome some of the emotional challenges you may have in your life.

Six’s design especially stood out to me because I love raincoats and hoods (yup, I’m one of those people). If it’s cold outside, you better believe my choice of outerwear is going to be a nice and cozy zip-up hoodie! Ah yes, the Little Nightmares Six raincoat. It’s the recognizable shape of her hood and anatomical stylization of Six that really stands out to me.

As a concept artist, unique shapes and recognizable characters are everything when it comes to character design because that’s what makes an incredible character, storyteller, and originality. And Six definitely has it!

Let’s make some art!

How to Draw Stylized Little Nightmares ‘Six’ Fanart

*All artwork posted is drawn by me. The characters & IP depicted are Copyrighted by and are Property of Bandai Namco. The original character design depicted was created by the concept art team at Tarsier Studios at the time of making Little Nightmares 1.

Little Nightmares Six Raincoat

1. Action Line

For this Little Nightmares Six fanart drawing, we’re going to start this super simple. First, draw a slightly curved line. It can be a continuous line unlike what you see below. This will be our action line which is the main line of movement for the body. This gives our character’s pose more fluidity and less stiffness, essential for successful character designs.

2. Draw a Slightly Tilted Half-Rectangle

Where the top of our action line begins, draw 1 straight or slightly curved horizontal line that goes past the action line on either side but don’t make it too long, otherwise, you won’t get that thin torso shape.

3. Draw Curved Lines

On the left side, draw a slight curve from the bottom of your rectangle so it fans out a bit at the bottom so it almost looks like a skirt.

On the right side, do the same thing but start a little before the right side of the rectangle line end. This implies a small fabric fold where the torso bends, giving the coat a dynamic look.

Make sure both lines end at the same length.

4. Draw Slightly Curved Lines From The Bottom Sides of the Coat to the Center

This will be our bottom hem of Six’s raincoat.

Add a slight outward curve to your lines as it will give the coat volume and dimension.

And you’re done with the main shape of Six’s raincoat!

Six’s Hood

5. Draw A Curved Leafy Diamond Shape

This’ll be open part of the hood where we see Six’s face.

Make sure the bottom of this shape touches somewhere towards the middle on the top of the raincoat.

6. Draw 3 Lines From the Angles of the Hood

Now, we’re extending the hood outward and giving it more volume.

Draw a short slightly curved line that touches the bottom angle of the hood.

7. Connect the Tips of the Hood

A key point to drawing instantly recognizable Little Nightmares Six fanart is drawing a large hood. You should get a larger triangle shape as shown below, which is the rest of Six’s hood.

8. Draw a Seam Outside of the Hood Opening

You can make these lines thinner and follow the shape of the smaller curved diamond.

You can also draw a slight fold towards the top of the hood. Just draw a thin angled ‘C’ and you have a fold impression!

30 Shin Megami Tensei Fan Art Drawings by a Concept Artist

Six’s Raincoat Sleeves

9. Draw 2 Lines Coming from the Hood

On the left, draw a slightly curved line fanning out and stopping a little past the middle of the raincoat.

Then on the right starting from the middle of the right bottom hood line, just draw a short, slightly angled line or mark. This’ll be Six’s right shoulder.

How to Draw Little Nightmares Six Raincoat 2

10. Extend the Right Shoulder Down

Use a slightly curved inward line again and make it a bit longer than the left line. Then, draw a curved line or half circle starting from the right of the coat, make it touch the bottom of the right sleeve, and curve it inward.

11. Draw A Straight Line for Six’s Right Arm

Draw this line so that it starts and stops at the raincoat. It should look like the right sleeve is behind the raincoat.

Six’s Legs

12. Draw a Short Angled Line from the Bottom Left Side & A Curved Line from the Bottom Right of the Raincoat

The short angled line is Six’s left thigh and knee. Draw a small inward mark to show the knee.

Then draw a small sharp angled line to the right of the coat’s bottom. This’s Six’s right thigh. Last, draw a curved line starting close to the bottom right hem of the coat which’ll be the right leg.

How to Draw Little Nightmares Six Art 1

13. Draw Straight Lines for the Rest of the Legs

For the left inner leg, draw a short straight angled line that stops a little above the knee mark. Then, starting from the bottom of the left knee, draw a straight line about 2x the length of the line above the knee, for the front of Six’s left leg.

On the right leg, draw 3 small straight lines for the right knee. For the right calf, draw a small straight line outward starting where the short inner leg line end and then draw a longer straight line inward to make the leg taper in towards the ankle.

14. Draw A Short Straight Line Outward, Then a Longer Straight Line Inward for Six’s Left Calf

Start a bit above where the left thigh ends, draw outward and end that short line below the knee. Then from that line, draw a longer line tapering inward and make it the same length as the front. of the left leg line.

Ankles and Feet 1

15. Draw 2 Small Lines for Ankles on Both Feet

A little above where each inner leg line ends, draw a quick small line going out then another small line immediately going inwards. The ankles should look small and angled.

16. Draw Outward Curved Lines Starting From the Outside Leg Lines

This will be the top of Six’s feet. You can draw a couple quick marks at the top of the feet to show creases.

How to Draw Little Nightmares Six Art 2

17. Draw a Curved Line Going Inward Staring from the Outer Edge of Each Foot

These lines create the shape of Six’s toes. Don’t draw them too far inward otherwise they’ll make her feet look huge!

Feet 2 + Hands 1

18. Starting from the Ankles, Draw Short Outward Lines for the Heels

Heels are thicker at the base, so they fan out a bit from the ankles.

Then, curve the ends of the heels and then connect them to the open ends of the toes using a ‘wave’ shape to get the foot dips on the inner part of the feet.

How to Draw Little Nightmares Six Fan Art 3

Free Printable Stress Relief Planner for Anxiety and Artists

19. Draw Straight Lines for the Top of the Toes, Then a Curved Line for the Toes’ Bottoms

So, the toes should look straight where the toenails will be but curved for the sides and bottom.

Let’s also take this chance to start the top of the hands. Just draw 1 straight (or barely curved) line at the bottom of the sleeves but draw them towards the center of the sleeve so the raincoat looks to cover the hands.

Hands 2 + Toenails

20. Draw Inward Lines From the Tops of the Hands

These lines are the fingers. Then draw 3-4 short lines on the right hand the same level where the angle meets for the knuckles.

And for thumbs, draw 1 inward line touching the raincoat for the right hand and an ‘L’ shape for the left thumb, touching the raincoat.

How to Draw in the Little Nightmares Art Style

21. Draw Tiny Squares For the Toenails

They don’t have to be full squares, just angled markings that look like they could be toenails. One the nails below only has 3 sides to it.

Face + Hands 3

22. Draw Rectangles for the Fingers and Curved Lines for the Hair

On the left hand, draw tapering lines to show the fingers getting thinner.

Draw a smaller diamond where Six’s face is supposed to be. That will be the bottom of Six’s hair. To show hair texture, draw a few curved lines that touch the bottom of the hair. Curved hair lines imply that Six’s head is round and looks less flat than straight lines of hair.

23. Draw the Bottom of the Nose and Six’s Lips

This is pretty easy. Just draw a small angled shape in the center of the smaller, flatter diamond (aka the hood opening) for the nose. Nothing crazy here.

And for the mouth, draw a thin line below the nose and a small mark underneath that, for the chin. In the center of the lip line, just add 2 dots or marks to indicate the top of the lips.

24. What the Final Face Should Look Like

Six’s Raincoat Details

25. Use Curved Lines for the Cuff Hems and Straight Lines for the Side of the Raincoat

Follow the shapes of the sleeves for the cuff lines, making them curved and following the form of the sleeve opening.

Then follow the shape of the right side of Six’s raincoat for the coat lines. For the pocket, just draw 2 slightly curved lines from the coat lines to the raincoat’s edge. Make the bottom line curvier for that pocket look.

26. Draw 3 Straight Lines or Marks Off-Center of the Middle of Six’s Raincoat for the Coat Clasps

27. Fill in the Coat Clasps with Curved Lines at the Ends and Add Thin Hem Lines to the Bottom & Left of the Coat

These are the finishing touches to the Little Nightmares Six raincoat – gotta add those coat details! They really help make the drawing look complete.

Final Little Nightmares Six Fanart

28. (Optional) Draw a Shadow

To really finish off our Little NIghtmares ‘Six’ fanart, let’s add a shadow. It can be a flattened circle or what you see in #27 in the image below, an angular trapezoid-looking shape.

Drawing a shadow not only grounds Six so it doesn’t look like she’s floating but it also adds a professional finish to it.

Whenever I draw characters, adding a quick and simple shadow is always a must for me because it gives more dimension and a sense of space to the image and character.

Grab my free How to Draw Little Nightmares Six art drawing guide with all steps in this post packed into 1 printable sheet plus a Six phone wallpaper added as an extra bonus, below!

Little Nightmares Six Fan Art Freebie Drawing Guide & Phone Wallpaper

*Feel free to color in your shadow if you’d like! I always fill in my shadows because it adds contrast to the drawing and really helps make it stand out.

And there you have it, a finished Little Nightmares Six fanart drawing!

Feel free to color it in if you want!

If you’d like to draw something a bit more cute & take less time while still being a bit spooky, try this simple doodle tutorial on How to Draw a Cute Bat Doodle Easy with Pen!

Check Out More Exciting Video Game Art & Drawing Tutorials

For even more imaginative pop culture inspiration, art, and freebies, check out these other amazing and easy drawing tutorials + game related articles below!

This Little Nightmares ‘Six’ was quite fun! What other characters would you like me to make drawing tutorials of? Leave a comment below!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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