Magical Studio Ghibli Phone Wallpaper Fan Art for iPhone & Android

January 9, 2023

Free Studio Ghibli Phone Wallpaper Landscapes

Love animation? I do! A huge artistic inspiration for me in becoming an entertainment artist has been animation and more specifically, Studio Ghibli, a Japanese animation studio created by Director Hayao Miyazaki. Studio Ghibli scenery is so mesmerizing yet colorful and realistic. I fell in love with the art style back in high school and then made art in that style for my portfolio when I first applied to jobs back in 2015.

I’ve created some Studio Ghibli phone wallpaper fan art from some of my practice drawings that I’ve never shown before.

I hope you enjoy these Drawism exclusive phone wallpaper backgrounds and that they add a bit of magic to your day!

Magical Studio Ghibli Phone Wallpaper Art for iPhone & Android Created by a Concept Artist

1. Green Scenery – Green Landscape

Let’s start off with something calming, serene, and a bit more Ghibli-esque : a pastoral (land or farm-like) view with a simple yet beautiful scene of green plains and a bright blue sky.

I threw in a bit of sparkles to help give off a magical vibe.

Studio Ghibli Fanart Phone Background of blue sky

If you know what are Ghibli movies, then you’ll know the backgrounds make their style so unique.

In Studio Ghibli films, a huge part of the backgrounds comprise of natural scenery and foliage with a mix of bright and bold colors. It’s one of the big things that makes a Studio Ghibli film well, Studio Ghibli.

The fan made Studio Ghibli phone wallpaper (above) was one of the first times I created a scene in this Japanese animation style.

I decided to stick with a very simple background of clouds, a blue sky, and a green field since some of my favorite scenes included these exact same elements and nothing more.

I wanted to do something simple yet elegant because I felt it was extremely important for me to understand the fundamentals of the style first before I went on to creating more complicated imagery. Starting off or analyzing a simple artwork is a fantastic way to understand an art style and learn what makes it unique.

2. Tower in the Plains

Beyond the gorgeous landscapes of grass and hills, lies futuristic buildings with blaring red signal lights that serve as communication between the towers. But . . . maybe it’s purpose is for something else? Could it be possible that another form of life is being signaled to, or even more interesting. . . signaled from?

Who knows?

Let your imagination decide!

Scenic Japanese animation landscape phone wallpaper

Unlike the previous themed Studio Ghibli phone wallpaper, this one has a bit of mystery and futuristic structures. I still decided to keep the green fields and blue sky though, lol!

I was thinking the towers were part of a production plant, hence the massive size. Not sure what they’re making though, haha!

When designing the towers, I wanted something that stood out from a distance. Partially obscured by the atmospheric perspective but where you can make out a few details here and there while keeping you’re interest peaked.

Personally, I’ve been inspired by not only Studio Ghibli scenery but also science fiction.

I love hearing stories about technological advancements in a fictional setting and what pros and cons that can bring to an established society.

What are some of your favorite genres and sources of inspiration?

3. Sunset Stones

For the next inspired Studio Ghibli phone wallpaper, let’s look at something much more simplistic.

Below, is just an image of a the ground with traces of little stones and some dirt.

Even though this image is more plain than the previous two, it still exhibits the art style of Studio Ghibli scenery.

Studio Ghibli Fan Art Phone Wallpaper Rocks


Let’s remember what are Ghibli movies known for when it comes to their backgrounds: bright and bold colors, natural imagery, and realistic/ semi-realistic lighting.

I tried to capture all three of those in this digital painting.

But unlike the previous 2 wallpapers, I wanted to focus on a different time of day – dusk.

I chose dusk because I want to expand my skill set of drawing scenes with different light sources and settings. I also wanted to draw something simpler and more up-close, almost abstract. These are essential skills to learn when creating backgrounds and environments as a professional artist.

In any animation studio, the stories being told take place at different times of the day. So, it’s very natural to illustrate some scenes at night vs. those that take place in the morning. It’s also a fantastic way to understand how lighting and cast shadows work.

Pro Tip: Cast shadows are the shadows cast by objects when those same objects are lit in certain directions. They usually appear on the opposite side of the object’s light source.

4. Afternoon in the Forest – Gray Tree

Okay, let’s get back to the forest!

Below is an illustration of an up-close portion of a magical forest during the afternoon.

I referenced a photo I took while at a park of some tree roots because I love looking at their forms with all their twists and bumps. It really adds to a tree’s character.

Studio-Ghibli-Scenery-Phone-Wallpaper-Free-Download from Drawism, Fan art background, green forest

Sometimes it really is the simplest of things that can make something very unique and full of personality.

I also wanted the plants to stand out so I drew a number of different foliage from bushes to leafy greens for a bit more variety.

The trunk is the main focus because it has the most contrast in this themed Studio Ghibli phone wallpaper. I wanted it to be special tree where fairies could use as shelter at night.

Forests are something that really stand out to me whenever I see Studio Ghibli scenery.

I’m not 100% sure why, though.

Maybe because one of my favorite films by the studio, Princess Mononoke, involves a lot of greenery in magical forests with towering trees and endless wilderness. Probably because it focuses on forest and tree spirits – something that is prominent in Japanese folk tales.

So, what are Ghibli movies’ overall aesthetic like?

They’re usually a mix of reality with a touch of magic.

Even though there may not be anything magical in this wallpaper scene, the feeling of magic can still be seen through the use of colors and how the background is illustrated.

What Are Ghibli Movies?

After all this talk about magic and Studio Ghibli scenery, I’m guessing you’re asking yourself ‘what are Ghibli movies’?

I’ve seen a bunch of them myself but there might be too many of them to list in this post.

So, here’s a list of all the Studio Ghibli Films you can check out right now, 20+ in total, that are sure to bring magic into your and / or your family’s day – spoilers not included.

*Please be mindful of the film rating, as some movies may be geared more towards teenagers with scary imagery (such as Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away) as opposed to more family -oriented films ( ie.: Ponyo, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and My Neighbor Totoro, to name a few).

No matter your age, there is always some magic in us.

Studio Ghibli Scenery

As mentioned throughout this post, Studio Ghibli scenery has it’s own unique style that makes it instantly recognizable to someone – even if they’re not into art.

Here are a few key points of Studio Ghibli scenery that’ll help you spot it instantly or make your own!

  1. Bright and saturated blue skies with or without white fluffy clouds
  2. Bright, saturated greenery and foliage with heavy detail and brushstrokes for plants
  3. Realistic and/or semi-realistic lighting
  4. Big focus on the natural environment
    • Think fields, plains, and forests
  5. Realistic shadows

Where Can You Download Phone Wallpaper Backgrounds in this Post for Free?

Loved the fan made Studio Ghibli phone wallpaper art in this post? Want to use these pics to add a bit of magical scenery to your phone, absolutely free?

No problem, I got you covered!

Just fill out the form below for your free download: phone wallpaper backgrounds and you’ll have all 4 gorgeous images in high-resolution, fit to your phone, sent straight to your inbox!

Grab them now!

Download Phone Wallpaper Backgrounds Here! (Hi-Res)

More Pop Culture Posts For Imaginative Inspiration & Entertainment

I hope you enjoyed this post.

But that doesn’t mean the fun stops there!

Check out these other awesome articles for even more imaginative pop culture inspiration, art, and freebies below!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I'm a game artist / illustrator & I help anyone with a creative side how to effortlessly navigate their creativity & turn that passion into success!

This blog shares my best drawing, doodle & art therapy secrets to help you build & maintain a fulfilling, inspiring, & self-positive artistic passion. Let’s create together!


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